I haven't posted since June. My 7 month old baby is beautiful, well, and my sweet joy. There are so many things that I could post about, things I've thought about posting about, such as: postpartum depression (not full blown, but it was definitely something in the first couple of months), breastfeeding and lack of sleep in the first couple of months (and how this causes depression), acid reflux and trips to the hospital with a four week old baby, asthma, going back to work (the mixed feelings, the tears, the relief of having something to do each day), daycare (good day cares, bad day cares (really bad day cares), the trouble with finding a daycare), house guest after house guest, multiple long term visits from my mother-in-law, money woes, planning for #2, vacationing with a baby, solid foods, colds, sharing a room with the baby (and when it's time to stop), people's opinions (how they want to give them all of the time, and what they say when you don't agree), gallstone surgery & the stomach flu, the best Christmas of my life, trying to feed a very hungry six month old baby with a growing appetite and a depleting milk supply, decisions about shots, transitions to solids (the fun & joy, the new fears), the pressures of keeping up my milk supply while knowing I'm the only one that can, how wonderful baby smiles are, the beautiful sound of a baby laughing, who's the mom questions, the filthy state of our home, the lack of attention our dog gets, space issues with our tiny condo, a baby who probably won't crawl because she hates spending time on her tummy, how much fun it is now that she's aware and interactive and plays games and makes noises and expresses her opinion, how she looks at K and starts laughing right away (K's much funnier than I am), how she reaches for me (and me only) whenever she is upset and to put her back to sleep at night, how it's 7 months and she still wakes up 3 times a night to eat (and she's in the 75th percentile for height and weight), and many, many other things that we've experienced in the past 7 months. But sadly I don't think I will. I think my time with this blog has come to an end, which you probably guessed with my lack of posting. Thanks for being a part of my life for the past few years. Signing off.